%'@ TRANSACTION = Required%>
' Open a connection using a DSN and ODBC tags or directly to db.
dim strDBPath,RS,cnn,connectionstring
strDBPath = Server.MapPath("../database/restaurant88.mdb")
'Both the two following statements worked well.
connectionstring="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strDBPath & ";"
'connectionstring="DBQ=" & strDBPath & ";" & " Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};"
Set cnn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
if not cnn is nothing then
cnn.Open connectionstring
response.write "cnn is nothing"
end if
set RS= server.createobject("ADODB.recordset")
Dim cset(2)
Dim lgcode
'0 - English
'1 - Chinese
lgcode= 0
if lang="" or lang="2" then lang="0"
dim rtname
if request.querystring("id")<>"" then
rs.open "SELECT r.name from restaurant r Where r.id=" & request.querystring("id"),cnn
rtname= " - " & rs("name")
end if
BC Restaurant | Vancouver Restaurant | <%= rtname %>
BCRestaurants.ca's Review Rewards Program is a rewarding experience for both restaurants and customers.
How does it work?
Customers: Sign up, leave a review about a restaurant, and receive points. The points can be redeemed for restaurant vouchers. Receive vouchers right in your email inbox, and enjoy your special savings!
Restaurant Owners: Receive valuable feedback, use it to improve your services, and encourage repeat customers (through rewards) & new customers (by word of mouth) at the same time. Reward yourself with low-cost advertising and customer input!